While doing SEO for your business, there are certain things that should be kept in mind for optimal results. And title tags play a major role in your SEO strategy. But, do we really know how to place the keywords in title tags? Do we know how to phrase them in such a manner that it brings maximum results? What should go first- primary keyword, a phrase or alternativekeywords? Or should we simply follow a random keyword dropping pattern? Well to answer all your above questions, we bring to you 5 simple......
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There comes a time in the lives of every businessman when he has to decide whether he needs to hire the services of a SEO company or not? So, what compels a company to turn towards SEO marketing? When does the time come when they realize what they are doing on their end for their business’s marketing is not enough and they need help of a professional service? Here we enlisting 4 sure shot signs that tell when you should definitely hire SEO services. These are When the bounce rate of your......
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What’s trending on social media these days? Well, except for funny memes and entertainment news, it’s the brands and products up on sales on your Facebook page. Everywhere you look, be it Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube or Snapchat, you will find products and services for sale. Now in such a stiff competition, how can you make your business stand out amongst the crowd? The advent of social media since a decade back had changed the game for businesses forever. Nowadays, if you don’t have a social media presence, then you are already......
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What do you mean by online reputation management? Well, it refers to effectively monitoring, identifying and modifying your reputation and goodwill online. It is a very important tool for any business online as it gives you the power to mould and improve their image amongst their prospective buyers. For a business to survive in today’s world of globalization, it is thus, quite advisable to hire a good online reputation management service providing company. So, what are these reasons that will compel you to have an online reputation management service? Take a look......
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