How To Know If SEO Is Right For Your Business- 4 Useful Tips
Posted by:Graphics Merlin
April 25, 2018
in:SEO, SEO Services Company
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Everyone knows how important SEO service is for any business to survive in this global business world. A company that is without SEO will find it hard to rank higher on search engine rankings. There are a lot of other benefits of search engine optimization services. In fact, a good SEO service providing company can take your business to another level. But when do you know if the SEO is right for your business? When do you know the SEO services that you have hired are actually good for your business or......
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5 Ways To Increase Mobile Engagement To Increase Conversions
Posted by:Graphics Merlin
April 20, 2018
in:Logo Design
comments: 0

Mobile engagement is a golden mine of opportunities that is waiting to get tapped. Companies investing in marketing campaigns are also recognizing the importance of this medium which can bring in a rise in sales conversion. User engagement is the most important aspect of any digital marketing promotion strategy be it through website or through mobile app. Some regular tips for keeping users engaged to your mobile is by Use buttons instead of text links Follow up good leads Keep important content up Experiment with colors, fonts etc. A website design and......
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In today’s times, if you own a business and you are notadvertising it on Facebook, then you are missing out on a major share of prospective buyers. That is the normal consensus as well as reality of today’s global online market. Everyone we know is on Facebook. In fact, ours news feeds are filled with companies and brands advertising about their wares, announcing sales and discounts! Now, running an ad on Facebook is thus advisable to all the businesses. However, Facebook’s ad metrics for business owners has always come under flak for......
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