How Creativity Plays the Real Game in Digital Marketing
Posted by:Graphics Merlin
November 20, 2018
in:Digital Marketing
comments: 0

Have you ever travelled on Indian Trains? You might be thinking what kind of question it is. Actually, I would like to draw you to certain instances. Many of us have encountered with peculiar unique sounds like “Chaaaaaaaaaai bolo Chaaaaaai” on trains. This is a most effective way to get spotted in traditional marketing. Grabbing attention is the key to promote you anywhere. To grab attention, they use (tea vendors) an exclamatory form of communication. Here the role of creativity starts. It is a continuing process with betterment at every step till......
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Responsive Vs Adaptive Website Designing in 2019
Posted by:Graphics Merlin
November 15, 2018
in:Web Designing
comments: 0

Responsive Vs Adaptive Website Designing Which One Is Best in 2019? Getting tons of traffic and spending money on paid advertisements are useless if your website is not serving its users. People hate a website that is hard to operate on mobile devices. In other words, if you are website is not mobile friendly then it’s going to cost you money as well as traffic. The solution is pretty simple. Build a website that opens on mobile devices (smartphone, iPhone, and Tab.) There is only one problem. Which one should you choose......
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