5 Unusual Uses Of Colors In Logo Design That You Never Noticed

The power and influence of colors is more than you can think. In fact, as per various studies, colors are an important factor in registering as presence in your minds long after you have seen the object. Colors ensue vivid imagination and memories in the mind of the viewer. Thus, one cannot deny the significance of colors in the process of branding. A good logo design company can do wonders for your company image.
Statistics show a dynamic color combination with strategic placement generates a higher recall value as compared to a photograph or a text in the minds of customers.
A successful possession of winning color palette for a brand is still considered to be the ultimate sign of success for any business. There are in fact several examples strewn across the branding domain which show exemplary usage of colors in the most efficient manner possible.
If you notice, calm colors like blue continue to dominate the monetary and financial institutions as well as communication sectors. In comparison, vibrant, eye catching colors like red and yellow have always been associated with fast food chains. This intellect comes from hiring a professional logo design firm.
Let us look at 5 such unusual uses of colors in logo design that moved past our attention!
- Monzo
The renowned financial institution Monzo has made good use of color blue in its logo. The banking provider has chosen an unusually contemporary color palette mixing together teal, coral, sage and golden beige to show the bank’s departure from stuffy officious ways towards more casual, digital avatar in sync with today.
- Lufthansa
The famous airline stands out for its military blue color in the logo. But what has sealed the deal for the airline brand is the wealthy use of vivid yellow in the background that instantly makes a connection and shows the airlines fresh entry into the world of today.
- Taco Bell
The worldwide popular Mexican fast food chain Taco Bell has adapted a two tone crimson color palate. In the beginning, with its pink and yellow bell icon, Taco Bell ruled the world of fast food chain making it seem daring, pressing and it also built up your desire to eat. However, with time, Taco Bell experimented with its look with as far as six variationsin colors of teal, gold, coral, mild inexperienced, blue and orange to seem more versatile.
- Eir
The Irish Telecom Eir went in for a major rebrand in 2015 with a daring infusion of fluorescent color in a flowing marquee which seems more human and approachable like Monzo logo design. It just shows what with the aid of professional logo designers you can achieve.
- VeuveCliquot
The distinguished yellow color with a champagne bottle is a design that has been followed by VevueCliquot champagne brand since 1877. With years, the yellow has become richer, dippers in color with an orange hue. It becomes thus easy to identify this world renowned champagne amidst others.
Logo is the identity of a brand. If you wish to see your company reach heights of success and raise its brand building standards, then you should hire Graphics Merlin, a professional logo design company experienced in designing suitable and attractive logos for companies.
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